Archery coaching in Worcestershire is organised and coordinated by the County Coaching Officer (CCO). This role coordinates the many activities related to coaching within the County.
Coach assessment and qualification
We run training courses and assessments for coaches to qualify at Level 1, Level 2 and County Coach level. Our training courses are accredited by Archery GB and qualify coaches on the Archery GB coaching scheme.
Coach development and ongoing training
We run regular sessions for aspiring and established coaches to develop their skills and earn the CPD points required to maintain their qualifications. In addition to archery specific topics, these sessions cover other aspects of coaching and related subjects such as competition training and preparation, sports psychology and nutrition.
Coaching archers in Worcestershire clubs
We assist in the coaching of the County's archers. This includes providing coaching sessions for archers, providing skills and expertise not always available in their clubs.
County Squad
We support County Squad archers, arranging specialist sessions and help and advise on coaching strategies and other needs. We also work with the County Team Manager on more general Squad development.